Thursday, June 11, 2009

Insert Title

The life of a pizza maker is hectic and not overly glamorous (think Studio 54 without the hot chicks and flour instead of cocaine, but about the same amount). Long hours and constant movement have left me pretty exhausted. I have seen great improvement in my skills and next week should be better. Opening up Tuesday and working all week, so all night time pizzas will have a little Feld in them (not saying which part or how much).

Watched The International last night. The movie stars Clive Owen as an Interpol Agent and Naomi Watts as a New York DA. The plot revolves around a bank that takes organized crime money and then for some complicated reason sells weapons with it. Apparently, every bank does this now that mortgages have busted (what if Chase gave you a rifle for using your debit card...then next time you could just rob the grocery store or stuff it full of pennies and have exact change). You would think it would be easy to hate a bank (or an insurance company or a car manufacturer) in today's economy, but I didn't really care. The film's plot is overly complicated. The one action scene in the Guggenheim is solid, but the film is really slow. A lot of talk and little action (think Tom Clancy movies with more English accents). The film ends with President Obama killing Clive Owen and saying "There's your Bailout!"...well not really but he wouldn't let a bank go down so the plot is unrealistic. Overall, do not watch this expecting to see James Bond (the film is kinda like Quantum of Solace's stupid brother).

-Go Pittsburgh...but I think Detroit is winning. They are too good. Text me the score because I will be at work til 11.

-Way to go Derrick Rose...things keep getting worse. I don't blame a 20 year old for taking a picture that is inappropriate (check out my facebook), but life has been coming after Rose with a vengeance this week. I hope he can block all of the negative news out of his head and focus on getting better (please, don't ride a motorcycle like the last star point guard).

-The NBA Finals are on right now as I type this...and I could care less. I like basketball, but the NBA is so slow.

Overall, I couldn't come up with a title. Suggest one. That is all.

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