Sunday, July 26, 2009

Forecast: Clouty

I am obsessed with the University of Illinois clout list scandal. Everyone knows that college is a crooked place where many are at constant disadvantage, but never has a state school been stupid enough to leave a trail of emails. U of I is not a country club private school, just the only major university in the state. I wanna make shirts saying "I'm not on the list". I hope they release the list so we can laugh at the people. Fuck you all. You have ruined the whole point of hard work and earning what you make. You all are the reason this country is near a depression and this close to being bought out by China

I am not shocked to see that the North Shore dominates the clout list high schools. People with money and connections bought their children into college. These are the children who can't accomplish anything for themselves and will always need the help of others. It saddens me to see my high school, Glenbrook North, in the 6 hole. This is the one thing we cannot say we are the best at. It is not the school's fault, but the rat faced parents. I have worked in customer service in this town for many years and met some of the most rude, out of touch people (one woman wrote an email complaining that the pizza store was closed on Tuesday, that pizza takes 15 minutes to cook, and signed it as Northbrook Mom as if she was the Duke of Wellington). Good to see things will change.

Baseball History:
Mark Buerhle pitched the 18th perfect game in MLB history and became the 5th player to have a no hitter and a perfect game. This event occurs less than 1% of all games (the Tribune has the exact number, so do them a favor and buy a paper). Even of you hate baseball, you can understand the importance of this event because you see baseball games on everyday all summer and this never happens. Buerhle is a pitcher with C+ stuff at best, and yet can succeed. He is a pitcher who understands location and changing speed. Today, we see too many pitchers who fail to understand that 100 mph is just a home run waiting to be hit. Congrats to one of my favorite players.

  • My drunk friend said he liked my blog and that I should blog more. He then said he could suck his own dick. Good times.
  • Hurt my knee falling over a curb the other night drunk, so send flowers.
  • A man was drinking Hennesey at Weiner Circle...very classy. The woman did not yell at me. I complained and she took a dollar and yelled,"Get the fuck out bitch."
  • Way to go Lance Armstrong. Fuck Alberto Cantador.
  • Turning 22 Friday. Renting a car is gonna be kinda sweet in 3 years. Whatever, probably gonna make an ass out of myself.

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