One minute I am watching the Sox on WCIU HD and the next minute the channel dies and I only get the regular broadcast. For all those who don't know, WCIU is the most jank tv network and does not deserve any live sporting event because it has a broadcast signal weaker than a 90 year old man's piss stream. They recently put in an HD version, so that was ok. Whoever neogiated this deal with the Sox should be shot.
Review: Friday the 13th
I have never seen original. Sorry. But I decided to netflix the new one. I almost paid to see this in theaters, but due to Dego Degarmo's poor sense of planning and time, I could not make it (he said we were going later so I went grocery shopping...insert gay joke). Anyways, the film comprises of one and a half hours of the most beautiful people in the world getting murdered by a giant ugly person. Along the way is a marijuana patch growing in the woods. I didn't know it could grow without human help. Anyone know if it can? Like all new horror movies, the beautiful models are killed while having sex or topless. At least three different pairs of tits are shown for little reason than to appease the young boys in the audience. I'm not complaining, but I want the job of casting these girls. I wonder if these "actresses" really believe that Spielberg will call them after watching them get a machette to the face topless. It is not porn, but overall more people will see you topless than if you were in a porn.
Back to the movie...yeah, there's no plot and I know nothing about Jason. It kinda starts where it ended with a lot of bodies. I wondered how the movie was going to end after 4 people die in 15 minutes....then the title screen showed up.
-I was starring out the window while working out the other day at the Red Roof. A group was outside. Prostitutes or serial murders? Discuss.
-Michael Jackson or Jaco had the best funeral a child rapist could ever hope for. Not sure how Magic Johnson became a better basketball player from Jaco. Kobe was there to show that much like Jackson, sins of the past can be bought off and forgotten.
-Entourage is back on Sunday. My guess: Guest stars, Drama fights with an 80s star, Vinnie fucks up, Ari invents a new way to say cunt, and drinking will incur. A new weekly thing should be to guess the running time. For the opening and conclusion...I say around 27 minutes. Next week-18.
-On the third, Dego Degarmo stole my wallet and I harassed John Karis for taking it. I must apologize for that. I had a little too much to drink. Degarmo is fucked.
Sorry for the long break, but I have been lazy.
I'm prettyyyyyyyy sure all of the images you use on your blog are copywrited Way to stick it to the man!