Jeffy Wineberg wanted my thoughts on the Bulls next season, and I love doing requests.
A couple of years ago, the core of Deng, Hinrich, and Gordon were leading the Bulls from irrelevancy to the NBA Playoffs. After a disappointed year two years ago (and failing to get Kobe), the core appears to expendable. Ben Gordon is in Detroit and should kill his agent. He could have had the same money two years ago but passed on it. With inflation, he lost millions. Also, he went from one of America's greatest cities, one with culture, food, and entertainment, to Detroit, a city that compares nicely to Beirut. I am not going to miss Gordon. He is a terrific offensive player, but a terrible defender. I would rather take a chance next year on getting Chris Bosh or another big forward. Deng is hurt all the time and didn't seem to gel with Derrick Rose, who kicked Hinrich to the curb. I want to see Kaptain Kirk and Rose play together. Kirk is a great defender and could do well without having to be the offensive coordinator.
Now, it seem Hinrich might be part of a three team deal sending him to Portland, Tyrus Thomas to Utah, and we would get Carlos Boozer. Sportscenter says the deal might not happen, hopefully because the Bulls are demanding a guard also. This deal is interesting. Tyrus played so well down the stretch, but the NBA is full of frauds. Tyrus is playing with our hearts possibly. He could be playing for a contract or off drugs for the week. Nothing is guaranteed with young NBA players. Trading for Boozer solves the down low post scoring problem of the last decade, but our defense get worse. Also, Boozer gets hurt a lot, with two 30 game seasons in the past 5 years. I'm not thrilled with the trade possibility, but it would remove Kirk's monster deal and further increase cap space for the next summer (have I mentioned Chris Bosh?). Jerry Sloan is gonna love Tyrus Thomas by the way. Tyrus can't be thrilled about going to the most conservative state in the union to play for the original Scott Skiles. No groupies or cocaine there buddy (but they are into multiple girls/ wives). I want to see what Portland is giving up. Hopefully it is the the disgruntled Spaniard Rudy Fernandez. I would like him on the Bulls, since this deal would deplete the Bulls back court. Why didn't we draft a guard if this deal was around? There were so many guards in the draft and we took 2 forwards. Paxson is gone, but the curious draft moves remain the same.
Overall, the book is not finished on the Bulls. They have the talent to make the playoffs, but not the talent to threaten for Eastern Conference Championship. They need something, but I don't think Boozer is it. I would rather attempt one more run with Tyrus and Noah up front...or trade for Amare Stoudemire. Orlando, Boston, Cleveland, and Atlanta are all better than the Bulls, while other teams like Washington, Detroit, and Toronto have improved. The Bulls are close, but no need to rush by trading for a broken down all star.
Review: Bruno
I went last night to see Sacha Baron Cohen's latest film based off of his HBO series. I have been a big fan since I first watched the series on DVD (every day of freshman year 1st semester). Borat was always the best character, but Bruno had a lot of great segments as well. The film follows the same format as Borat so you sit there and know where it is going. Cohen's film targets homophobia and celebrity culture this time around, with a little antisemitism mixed in. There so many jokes grouped together that you will miss some of them because you are laughing so hard. Cohen tries to shock you over and over (two words: meat spin). One of the main targets are the people of South, one of my favorite targets (if you disagree then you are not watching the newest MTV comedy 16 and Pregnant). Overall, the movie is as good as it could be. The act has gotten around and I am sure it was not as easy as it was three years ago to trick people.
- I want this video of Lebron getting dunked on. When did Nike get gestapo powers? Rumor has it that the filmers are now working in Indonesia, making soccer balls for 5 cents a ball. The truth is out there some where.
- The Black Eye Peas make me sick when I hear their songs. Fuck them straight to hell.
- Champs in Lincolnshire + Thursday Night (who knew?) = Milfs
- The kid from the latest ESPN Make a Wish segment says he likes baseball because the players make the most money. How does a 7 year old know that? The kid redeemed himself by saying the Mets play at Piti Field and rejecting Daniel Murphy's autograph.
- Fantasy Football is closing in (thank God) and I am researching players and insults.
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