So, I searched all day for a link to the video of Milton Bradley posing and throwing a ball into the stands when there was only two outs thus allowing a run to score unnecessarily. He must have great people working for him because I couldn't find that or the video of him blowing out his knee while arguing with an umpire (if you find it let me know...or don't, I can't make you or anything but it would be nice). My apologies. What Bradley did was hilarious, but I have seen it a few times before (never after posing to the crowd). I think he was being mocked for an error he had made earlier. Bradley is very talented, but there are some reasons why he has been on a number of different teams. He is a very injury prone player with a bad temper. He looked for a broadcaster after a game last year after he criticized Bradley. It is amazing he has yet to kill a drunken bleacher bum (answer to why the fences are so high). Why would a legit team sign this guy? He had one good year for some money like every other mercenary athlete. Maybe Ozzie will knock some sense into him during a brawl next week.
-I was wrong about the NHL (I make lots of mistakes). Congrats to Pittsburgh and welcome back to relevancy (fuck off Carneigie Mellon). Thanks to the Penguins and Steelers, thousands of school children will learn where the city lies on a map only to forget it years later. Unfortunately, the Pirates are now the only remaining entertainment for the citizens of the city (when does football start again?) so Pittsburgh can rot with that excuse for a MLB franchise for the rest of the summer. Fuck Detroit.
-Today I went to work out (hold for applause) and I see this really tall guy jumping and doing pull ups on the ceiling rafters. This is a PF (if lost on PF, it means porn freak and that you haven't been keeping up with your assigned reading) move (thank God he wasn't using a Blackberry while doing it or I would have murdered him). Is there a height limit on the regular pull up bar? The man must have been showing off the 3 ladies with a combined age over 300 (nice wrinkly tits, they should never be covered up...really). Such a PF.
-Started researching some Lollapalooza bands and found a few I like including Of Montreal, Cage the Elephant, and Vampire Weekend. Really like the last two. Try them out on youtube if interested (or buy the music on itunes if you think you are recession proof).
Dearest Feld,
ReplyDeleteI feel somewhat weird for having just read this, but your notes come up on my facebook highlights daily, and because I don't know how to hide them, I gave in and clicked the link. In all honesty, I just skimmed mostly because your sports writing doesn't interest me.
All I really want you to know is that Vampire Weekend is absolutely one of my favorite bands, and I'm glad you're promoting them on your popular blog. You now hold a special place in my heart as my favorite sammy.
"Delta Spirit", (they're playing at lolla)
Laura-I hate being called Cheese-Romeo
Of Montreal is very solid. I heard their shows are really sick. I would be interested. Keep me updated.
ReplyDeleteFor today's game Cubs/Sox that is...
Dempster kills us...Hawk we won...I meant at Wrigley...We are at Wrigley Hawk...Dag Gummit