Michael Jackson died this week (see photo). That's him...from the Simpsons. Unfortunately, I am not old enough to remember his meteoric rise to fame during the 1980s when he was making hits such as Thriller. He was a great artist but also a crazy loon. It is tough not to think of him as a pedophile. Every late night comic owes their career to Jackson, Clinton, and OJ. His music will live on forever (that's good) and children are free to walk the streets (only have to watch out for priests now).
We also lost Farrah Fawcet on the same day. She was one of the all time hotties and lost a battle with cancer (not eye cancer from seeing those two Charlie Angels movies). She donated a lot of money to research and for that she got pushed off the front page of every newspaper in America and off of CNN. Thanks America.
Also, the Senator of South Carolina owes Jackson a thank you because his adultery is now off of the news as well.
-Pizza takes time to cook, around 30 minutes. Asking "how much longer" will not speed it up. Northbrook people need to learn patience.
-Someone asked to sample pizza. That person is an idiot. Pizza is generally the same everywhere. Jackass.
-I am amazed with the latino work ethic. They work all day for little money and have tons of energy. Amazing. I do not enjoy being made fun of in Spanish though.
NBA Draft Recap:
-Bulls did as well as they could. Need to make a trade.
-TWolves are run by Northbrook retards. They make me laugh.
-The Suns should kills Steve Nash. Spare him the trouble of playing the year.
Yes! I couldn't agree more!