I touched on my admiration for the Latin worker a little the other day, and I want to expand on it. At my last job at Scumset (or Sunset depending on one's point of view), I worked with many Latinos, ranging from the fluent English speakers to those who would only point at things and hope you understand. Most were fine upstanding individuals (one smelled awful and the guys use to say you could fuck her but would never smell the same again...all in Spanish and loosely translated to me). The company hired a lot of Spanish speakers, yet they told them to never speak it in front of the customers (the bitchy people with Gucci and Prada bags). It felt like a British colony trying to smash the old culture before leaving it raped of everything in value, or not. The workers, much like Gandhi, did it anyway (some were sent to labor camps in Siberia for disobedience). Another thing that I found odd was all the new SUVs. They would buy brand new Chevy trucks (no, this is not a stereotype, they did own the cars) and bitch about gas and working two jobs. Apparently, simple economics did not translate well into Spanish. The crew made fun of the student staff and called us Gringos. Maybe because we worked less hours, did less work, or took tons of days off or maybe because they loved us.
Fast forward to now. New job doesn't mandate any English, so Spanish is a-ok. The pizza staff originally had one Latino guy on staff. He said nothing for like 2 weeks. Honestly, he acted as though he was a mute. Then another Latino guy joined the pizza team. Now, they talk all day long in Spanish, and in English. The enjoy making fun of me for being a shitty clean up artist (not fair, I don't rip on them when I ask about building a Cash Flow Statement). The two of them call people chaquetas or jackets or what they think are jerk offs. One kid does not know that they are making fun of his masturbation habits and accepts this comment. I am also a chaqueta (apparently my relationship problems are easily translatable) but asked what it was and now call them ass holes. It is a playful banter. I don't blame them for making fun of us because we make similar wages even though they struggle with a language problem and work ten times (might be higher) more efficiently.
More Death:
Billy Mays here....too soon? Billy Mays, legendary pitchman, died this week capping off a week of death and destruction. The man was on Conan's show literally like 3 days ago. Possible suspects are the Shamwow guy or the hooker he beat up.
Best question: Michael Jackson's death equalled huge record sales and itunes sales, but will the crap that Mays pitched sell better as of today? I do need some Oxy-Clean for my black suit because it is funeral week. Sorry, I am ass.
I watched a new HBO show call Hung. It is their answer to Showtime's Weeds. The show takes place in Detroit and shows us a father played by Thomas Jane (that guy who was the Punisher and if you don't know what movie I referring to then you are lucky) who needs to be a prostitute to support his family. Detroit is the perfect host to the show since it is the home of the American failure of the last couple of years. The show has a cool concept like Weeds so I will watch it this summer over other art forms such as reading.
YouTube Song of Week: Radiohead's Black Star off of the great album The Bends. In fact, buy the fucking album. It is great.