I will not move my blog to 12:05 am and thus am quitting Feld Thoughts so Jay Leno can take over. Yes, that is the least original joke this week, but as a member of Team Coco, I had to make it. This week NBC looked for a way to improve its dreadful ratings and some how forgot that Heroes is still on TV. I forgot about it too so I understand. The network has yet to figure out to combat CSI, Lost, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, and the juggernaut know as IDOL (I only watch Lost). Some will argue that The Office and 30 Rock are great shows, and the half that said 30 Rock are correct. That show exhibits great creativity and humor every week and the average fat American is too stupid or lazy to watch. Tina Fey is really good at her job. Of course, no one really watches it since NBC shows it late and does not really promote it. The Office was once a great show full of awkward humor, but now it tries to the network version of Curb way too often. Michael Scott is stupid...only sometimes. Plus, Jim and Pam are old news. How long will they drag that baby thing out? When the hell is Andy going to hook up with what's her name? Who gives a shit?
So, NBC fired Conan. Or Conan quit. Doesn't matter because Leno forced this and the network didn't give Conan the freedom or press to succeed. He should be on Sunday Night Football doing jokes to get the everyman. He should be one the Today Show laughing it up with the morning crew. NBC set him up to fail. Middle America is not his audience. We, the college kids and stoners, are though. Conan's self degrading attitude, lack of hierarchy respect, and potty humor is what made him so great. So, Conan should go to Fox or Comedy Central and form the Justice League of Funny with Stewart and Colbert. Both networks promote their stars, allow pretty much anything to go on air, and are willing to suffer while a show starts up. Leno should get hit
In conclusion, good luck Conanado. You have been so free and funny, but why did it take so long for you to relax? I knew last summer that his humor would translate to the early slot, but I didn't see this coming. And Leno...I saw this too. The monster never dies the first time around.
Offensive Coordinator Candidates for the Bears:
1. Vinny Del Negro: Why not?
2. Rex Grossman: He isn't starting and may be the only one who understands what Jay Cutler is seeing.
3. Conan O'Brien: Needs a job.
4. Jack Bauer
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