Whatsup to the nine people that actually read this blog. Jaco's back, I know you missed me. I'd like to have a whole lot of intuitive and insightful things to talk about after such a long hiatus, but instead I'm going to go with a subject I think I know a lot about...me. I'm clearly awesome in so many many ways, but one thing that I don't have going for me is that there is nothing unique about the way I look. It's not a bad thing, but I apparently share my generic features with a wide range of people. Most of the time I don't see it, but I always seem to look like a different person to different people. Let me show you all some pictures of people I've been told I look like, you decide what works....
Me: Here's a picture of myself just to give you a frame of reference to what I look like and you can judge for yourselves how closely I resemble everyone else listed.

Turtle: I get this one the most, and fine I'll give you guys this one, I dressed up as turtle for an exchange before and pulled it off wayyyy to easily. He's dating jamie lynn seigler in real life, so thanks for proving that I have the potential to attract hot girls, turtle.
Jimmie Johnson: Professional nascar driver and I hear he's a winner. I'm not really into nascar but I would love to get real drunk and go to a race someday and shout obscenities at the drivers as they continuously turn left at 150 mph for 3 hours.
Tony Stewart: Sticking with the nascar theme. Again, I still don't know much at all about nascar but I hear this guy is a jerk. In no way does he represent me and my fellow generics, he gives us a bad name.
John Cusack: Good actor, was in a bunch of 80's teen comedies that I liked. I'll check this comparison off in the win column.
Kipton: I don't know this guy's first name, but he was on the most recent season of the bachelorette. If he does indeed look like me he should have won. If he didn't win, then that show should be cancelled and I'm going to write that bitch a very impolite letter. Very Impolite.
Shia Labeouf: I don't see it, but he's not ugly so I'll take it.
Chris Paul: I actually look nothing like him...he's just awesome.

And that about rounds out my list. Let me know if you have anyone else in mind that I look like, I'm sure there is a lot more of me out there. Till next time, Jaco, out.
Not only have you made me not want to read THIS BLOG ever again, but also any sort of series of sentences containting words from the English language. Please do not write ever again.