First, let me personally apologize for Jaco's latest entry. Had I know he was going to take a steamy dump on my child, I would have never allowed it. He ruined the English language. When he goes to hell on day, he will be beat up eternally by great literary masters such as Shakespeare and Hemingway for that travesty of an entry. He looks like no one and we all know that.
Now on to the news of the day...the disappointing announcement that Rio de Janeiro beat Chicago for the 2016 Olympics. Not only that, but Chicago was bounced first (even before Tokyo which was supposedly the worst of the four bids). I have been on record (what does that really mean?) that the Olympics would not benefit Chicago as much people think. Many cities were left with large, wasted facilities and little economic gain in the long term. Also, the heavy tax on Chicagoans during a recession doesn't sound like a good idea. Losing the bid is not the end of the world and we can always try again in 2020. Maybe the worst part of all of this that Obama failed. I am a supporter of Obama and his policies, but between this and his miserably slow and dieing health care plan, it is not looking to good. Going 0 for 2 in your first major league at bats is not a good sign. Maybe it was because he was there one day while the other leaders were there the whole week, but maybe it was anti-American sentiment from that Bush guy. Was there an open town hall where Fox News could place people in the stands to interrupt Obama and call him a liar? The real winners are the assholes at Fox News like that piece of shit Glen Beck. I'm sure Beck got wood when he heard Obama lost this battle. Their propaganda was focused on the fact that the country is in despair and Obama is concentrated on the games, but now they can say he lost us the bid. Way to go guys, you continue to create unnecessary amounts of fear and set our country back for years to come.
NFL Picks: 9-7 for Week2, no week 3 due to me being lazy so a total of 18-14.
- Raiders +9 (just got McFadden and he is gonna rock Houston)
- Jags +3 (at home? really?)
- Ravens +2 (Pats looked like early 2000 Pats...but the Ravens are for real)
- Bungals -6.5
- Giants -9
- Bears -10 (think this could be close, but Forte returns to form this week)
- Tampa +7.5 (versus the Skins...nap time)
- Colts -10.5
- Jets +7
- Bills -1.5
- San Fran -10
- Cowboys -3
- Chargers +7
- Packers +3.5 (Rodgers is Vader and Vader kills his teacher Obi Wan)