Welcome back from a long and drunken weekend. Hope everyone enjoyed it safely. If you went home, then you are a pussy. You'd think 3 months was enough but I guess not, you pussy. For those who stayed, we found some new ways to have fun. On Saturday, a group of crossed "Join the Mug Club" off our List of Things to do Before We Graduate List (still on there...Quad/Stadium sex, order one last Shacker, and ride the MTD and know where I will end up). The Mug Club is a very nonexclusive club at the Illini Inn. For $6, you get two beers and must chug one. Then you are in and on Tuesdays, you get cheaper beer in a mug. Pretty sweet. The club was started in the 1970s so I am part of a long tradition. The bar is full of toothless townies and a bathroom that smells worse than the one at Kams (digest that comment...Kams smells very bad).
The real adventure came on the walk to Legends afterward. As the walking sign flashed 2 seconds remain (4th and Green), Mariner/Dego Tom and Boruszak (aka Dak) decided to run across while Druker and I sat back. A police car nearly hits them as the car jets through the yellow and quickly flashes the lights. The two were given jay walking warnings by the rookie cop. Meanwhile, we went to join them across the street where the two felons were conversing with the training officer. I offered her $20 to taser and mase Dak. She almost agreed. We continued to tell her that she had caught the biggest heroin dealers in Champaign and that needed to be frisked. Good sport about the whole thing as she agreed it was a stupid ticket.
With another Illini loss and Labor Day, the smell of the NFL draws near. My fantasy draft was Sunday and I am not overly thrilled with my team. Good potential but I must have forgotten my roots of drafting running backs early. Derrick Ward will kill or make my team.
Hopefully, Pavlov Media will fix our TV in time for tonight's game between the Champion Steelers and Titans. Steelers are -6.5 favorites and I really like them tonight for many reasons (home game, ring night, no Albert Hanyesworth). This week is the worst to bet on/predict games. We have no real idea what these teams are made, but I'll try my best.
NFL Picks Week 1
Miami +4
KC +13
Philly -2.5 (Dog friendly this week)
Denver +4 (Orton = Elway)
Minnesota -4.5 (Die Farve)
Jets +4 (J...E...T....S....jets, jets,jets)
Colts -7
Lion +13.5 (things can't be worse than last year...or can they?)
Cowboys -6
49ers +6
Skins +6.5
Seattle -8 (They are my bounce back/sleeper team...will win the division.)
BEARS +3.5 Bills +11 (I want to take the Pats, but Jauron always wins when on the hot seat.)
San Diego -9 (Raiders get killed every year to open the season.)
- Beatles Rock Band is awesome. So is Keystone.
- Bronson looks sick.
- Korny decided it was a good idea to dump a bag of ice and water on me while I was sleeping. My bed is still wet and he will regret that decision.
- Jay Z album is good, nothing overly special but some good tunes. Got tickets to his Champaign show...good stuff.