A few weeks ago, I told some of my associates/drunken cohorts that I would blog my thoughts for a summer if I was unemployed due to the great Wall Street blunder. This could have been just another idle threat due to the over consumption of Admiral Nelson and Keystone. Good for me, I found a job (more on that later). Naturally, I forgot about the goal of becoming an established Internet blogger until today while reading another blog, thegpshowblog.blogspot.com, which got me thinking that I could easily do this and have no one read it as well. Kidding about no one reading that other blog...I check it out when facebook tells me to. Here is my creation, and I am willing to discuss anything and put my pessimistic spin on to it.
Start with NBA playoffs, where bitching about calls happens. I am sick of technical fouls and flagrants. I want more violence. Unless you are bleeding or get knocked out, then there should be no flagrant. More street ball and less bitching about calls. Dwight Howard got called for one for showing a slight bit of emotion. T's are being called more often than Sideshow Bob reruns on the Simpsons. Every other sport does not have this problem cause they toss out players. The NBA should toss Kobe next time he complains. NFL films always shows the player swearing and stuff. I want to hear what Kobe is saying...bet it is not as nice as his puppet.
Sadly the Hawks were eliminated tonight. Kane can finally shave his pube beard and Toews his mutton chop sideburns. But will Quenville shave his playoff stache? Next year should be even better because most of the key players are returning, and things may be worse because Huet is returning.
Finally, my job. I have quit working at Sunset Foods and my smock is being retired to the rafters sometime this summer and there will be Feld bobble head night as well. I am training to be a pizza chef at My Pie. We will see how that goes, but it is part of a dream. I will one day beat Bobby Flay in a throwdown (either in Eric Patties or pizza) and make it on to the Food Network. Eric Patties are chicken patties served on Fridays at my house, and they tend to cause a severe case of the shits.
First post done. Hopefully, I will get some good posts and continue to write. Stay classy.